Internship Program

In an effort to encourage and support young talents we offered an internship to final year pharmacy students, we see them as potential Sitco Pharma members. The internship program was organized by the Customer & Principal Relation Department (female section) it was from 05-03-2017 to 30-03-2017.

The outstanding results achieved from the program were accomplished with the cooperation of:

  1. Pharma company principals such as Bayer, GSK and AstraZeneca.
  2. Pharma chain customers such as Al Nahdi Group.
  3. Sitco Pharma different departments.

The students were able to experience the real work environment by handling a Sitco Pharma project, and tried the double visits with AstraZeneca.

عن سيتكوفارما

شركة سيتكو فارما كشركة رائدة في مجال الأدوية، تغطي جميع المناطق في المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال أربعة فروع رئيسية، المنطقة الغربية والوسطى والشرقية والجنوبية.

وستتوفر مكاتب مبيعات إضافية في المدينة المنورة والقصيم ومكة المكرمة.

تواصل معنا

 لمزيد من المعلومات

للشكاوى و الإقتراحات

